Building MealPro App’s Messaging and Lead Capture Strategy

Learn how together with MealPro we set up a lead generation and capture strategy.


Justin has brought a fresh perspective to our marketing strategy, which has resulted in us landing a number of podcast appearances and PR in places our target customers hang out. Justin has also been great with the tactical work - like crafting and refining landing page copy and tweaking guest posts. Highly recommend if you are looking to grow your SaaS product.

Liam Smith - Founder @MealProApp

The Client

MealPro App / EDU SaaS (GLOBAL)

MealPro App (MPA) gives food and nutritionist blogers/content creators everything they need monetize their diet advice and seamlessly integrate it into the lives of their audience - all in one place.

The Challenge

Outdated messaging and no ineffective lead capture

Liam, founder of MealPro App had plenty of historical customer research to draw from but struggled to summarize all of that data into actionable insights that would inform his marketing strategy.

Furthermore, MPA was lacking an optimized strategy to capture leads who visited the website but weren’t ready to sign up right away. By not captures these leads, MPA was missing out on the opportunity to capture and nurture these leads over time with the goal of re-marketing to these leads in the future.

The Solution

In-depth customer research and new lead capture strategy

I broke my solution into three stages: Research, Messaging, and Design. Through both qualitative and quantitiate surveys, I was able to pull together and parse out the main messages that would later inform MPA’s messaging and content topic for the new lead capture system.

By understanding MPA’s customers’ hesitations and problems, we were able to effectively develop a lead capture strategy focused on their greatest pain point - marketing their meal-planning membership to build a stable, recurring income.

The Results

Brand new messaging and leads

MPA’s new Master Class led by standout food blogger - Taylor Stinson - has now afforded MPA a way to capture an additional 15-20% of website visitors who would’ve otherwise been lost and never seen again.

MPA now markets to these leads, nurturing them and building trust over time before inviting them back to MPA to book a demo and take their platform for a test run.

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